Venus Transit
by Joe Bergeron
I was lucky to
see anything of this transit at all. The weather forecast showed
nothing but rain and clouds for days on end, and recent weather gave
no cause for optimism. The day of the transit was dark and cloudy,
with only a few tantalizing sunbeams sneaking though. But, various
sources said there would be a break at transit time, so I dutifully
set up two telescopes, my 92mm f/6.5 Stowaway refractor for
photography, and a short 3" achromat for visual. Both scopes were
equipped with Baader filters. The Stowaway carried my Olympus Pen
EPL-2 camera body.
I had barely finished setting up when the blue areas in the north
reached the sun and revealed the transit, with Venus just barely
fully onto the solar disk. From then until the sun set about two
hours later I had an almost uninterrupted view. Sometimes broken
clouds crossed the sun, but they provided moodier, more dramatic
photo opportunities than the cloudless periods.
Minutes after sunset the clouds returned with a vengeance, bringing
spectacular colors, a brilliant rainbow, and a heavy rain that sent
me running to get my equipment to shelter. What a remarkable day!
Here are some of the best of the many photos I shot.